Sunday, August 1, 2010

Our Picnic Basket

We got a picnic basket!

It was a very cool find at Yoshi Now! vintage thrift store in downtown Fresno.

The sticker on the top of the basket read "20 ALL".

So I peeked inside.

Stuff me and my peeps can use?!

AND everything is 30% off AND I'm using a $20 GROUPON AND that GROUPON was free because of GROUPON'S amazing referral program!!

Are you picking up what I'm putting down??


Full of crafty/sewing stuff!!

So I went out and bought an adorable fabric to make a liner for the basket.

I'll definitely do another post to show off the finished product!


  1. I'm totally jealous! What an awesome find! Now...when's the picnic? :)

  2. alicha! i'm so glad i found your blog! keep it up! it is so much fun.
    i started doing mine as an online journal. at the end of the year i print out my blog through blurb and it's full of all of our pictures and stories from the whole year. makes it so worth it.
